BCCI has no provision for Acting President

Shashank Manohar

MUMBAI: The Indian cricket board has now no provision to have acting president to run the day to day affairs. This was revealed by Shashank Manohar, the former BCCI chief and an eminent lawyer.

The 75-year-old Jagmohan Dalmiya died in the hospital within two days after the hospitalization.

“The post has to be vacant till the new president is elected. In BCCI constitution, there is no such provision”, Shashank Manohar said over telephone from Nagpur.

“The only option left is to hold the election within 14 days in the General Body Meeting and one of the Vice President has to convene the AGM”, he added.

However, the Srinivasan factor will also come into picture. The Board has approached the Supreme Court to seek clarification as the former BCCI president and the current ICC chairman is too keen to attend the meetings> “No idea what would happen in this situation”, Shashank Manohar added.

The BCCI’s Memorandum and Rules and Regulations reads as follow:

“In case of vacancy occurring in the office of president by reason of death or by him being adjudged insolvent or by him being convicted in a criminal case by a competent court or by resignation or otherwise, the hon. secretary shall within 15 days convene a Special General Meeting to elect the president who shall be nominated by at least one Full Member from the Zone which proposed the name of the president whose term was cut short prematurely. Such person, who is elected, shall hold office till the next elections.”

“Past or present office-bearer nominated by at least two Full Members from the Zone whose turn is current as per the principle of zonal rotation…

“And, who must have attended two Annual General Meetings representing a Full Member.”

“It is clarified that such candidate or candidates need not be from the same Zone that is exercising its right of nomination by rotation.”


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