
Bar Graph taken from longitudinal study, conducted during the height of the Lebanon war in 1983-1985. The peer-reviewed study demonstrated that large assemblies of peace-creating experts practicing Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) together measurably reduced the violence of war and improved progress towards peace. Alternative explanations were explicitly controlled for in the study analysis. Reference: Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 17(1): 285-338, 2005.

A Better Idea: Invincible Defense Technology:

Embracing Invincible Defense Technology for Lasting Peace As published in ISRAEL: Jewish Business News, UNITED KINGDOM: Vigilance Security Magazine, INDIA: Defence News, Counterview, The Sangai Express, Indian Defence Review AFRICA: Africa Global Village ARMENIA: Yerepouni News WORLD SERVICE: The…

Open Letter to Herzi Halevi, Commander-in-Chief, Israel Defense Forces

Open Letter to Herzi Halevi, Commander-in-Chief, Israel Defense Forces

Reprinted with permission of The Times of Israel Also reprinted in Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan Today, Malawi: The Maravipost, Sri Lanka: Lankaweb, South Korea: The Seoul Times, Romania: Cadran Politic, Nigeria: The Street Journal, World Service: The Free Library, United…