David Cameron in deep trouble

British Prime Minister David Cameron

Prime Minister of United Kingdom David Cameron is in deep trouble as the Panama Leaks revelations. Protesters are gathered outside the 10 downing street and demanding his resignation. They claim that he has lost the moral authority to remain in the office. If he succumbs to public pressure and submit his resignation he will be the second casualty of these leaks after Iceland’ Prime Minister.

I am not how long he can hold the fort against the avalanche of Citizen Protesters. No one can stand in the way of people’s power. In comparison with British Scene Pakistan PM and his courtiers are busy denying the allegations and trying to defend the indefensible position. His handlers are making the situation worse.

All the King’s men are fighting against the tide of the time which has turned against the Ruling elite. I do not think the P. M can survive barring some miracle. And miracles do not happen in this age of reason and IT. The best thing is to tell the truth nothing but the truth. It is the time to surrender and resign to the Will of the Almighty Allah.

David Cameron is a decent man and will listen to the saner voices. He must follow the dictates of the conscience. There is no point in clinging to the power after losing the honor and respect. Mayor of London has denounced his involvement in the Panama Scandal that has rocked the world.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Lahore Times.

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