
Young Kashmiri leader Burhan Wani

Stand with Kashmiris

Suppression always creates reaction and history is evident that it is impossible to subjugate a nation through subversion and violence. Kashmiris are facing Indian…

Charity begins at home

Charity begins at home

Over the period of time the concept of charity has evolved with different meanings and various impressions/notions. When I recall my childhood days, I…

Jealousy and its Consequences

Jealousy and its Consequences

Jealousy is a response when people are not self-contended whereas they also believe what is missing in their life is because of others. Usually,…

Murree Mall Road Traffic

Managing Tourist Traffic 101

In the recent Eid holidays, the Northern areas of Pakistan were a hotbed for local tourism. Murree, Naran, and Swat were all swarmed with…

Medical Practice Technology Trends

Changing Trends in Life Sciences

Trends in Medical Practice have changed during last thirty decades. When I recall my childhood memories, the first thing that doctors including Abu used…

Women's education

Sweeter Homes

I have been in the profession of teaching for over around three decades and I realized the best place to learn is home whereas…

All She Needs

All She Needs

Pakistan is not a country where a woman’s right to live in freedom and security is guaranteed. In fact, in 2011, we were ranked…

Najmul Hasan

From self to selfishness and narcissism

خودی کو کر بلند اتنا کہ ہر تقدیر سے پہلے خدا بندے سے خود پوچھے، بتا تیری رضا کیا ہے (علامہ اقبال) I have…