Peace as the New Normal

As published in WASHINGTON, DC: The Daily Digest, SOUTH KOREA: The Seoul Times, SAINT MARTIN: St. Martin News Network and PHILIPPINES: The Daily Guardian.
By Arlene J. Schar and Dr. David Leffler
In the words of the Beatles’ song A Day in the Life: “I read the news today, oh boy…”
North Korea shoots off more missiles, ships are seized in the Strait of Hormuz, countries worldwide are facing political chaos, and immigration crises abound as people flee intolerable conditions in their homelands, all brought on by conflict and violence. Has this become the New Normal, and if so is this the New Normal we truly want? We think not.
No sane human being wants conflict and violence. However, over time, we have created a culture in which conflict and violence are seen as the only solutions to irreconcilable differences.
Fortunately, there are better ways to solve social problems. One proven way to resolve differences is by utilizing a ground-breaking and effective means for ending conflict and violence: Invincible Defense Technology (IDT).
Invincible Defense Technology: A Non-Religious, Humane and Beneficial Approach
The practical components of IDT are the non-religious Transcendental Meditation (TM) and the more advanced TM-Sidhi programs. When large groups of experts practice these programs together, a powerful field effect of coherence and peace is generated that spills over into the surrounding population, thereby raising the collective consciousness to come up with more humane solutions to social problems.
Extensive peer-reviewed scientific research repeatedly confirms measurable decreases in war deaths, terrorism, and crime when IDT is utilized. A recent study published in May 2019 in Studies in Asian Social Science, 6(2), 1-45, found that IDT implementation by students was associated with a 96.2% decline in sociopolitical violence in the war-torn country of Cambodia as compared to violence in the preceding three years.
Due to the extensive research, the non-profit organization Global Union of Scientists for Peace (GUSP) advocates IDT as a simple and cost-effective approach for reducing the societal stresses thought to be the underlying cause of such social problems (see:
Invincible Defense Technology is Cost-Effective
Any military is capable of training and maintaining groups of experts in the advanced IDT strategy. This Prevention Wing of the Military would practice IDT programs twice a day in large groups, defusing social tensions. The collective consciousness of all populations would rise through the influences of greater harmony and peace. Those who have engaged in violence will no longer do so. Studies have shown repeatedly that this method works – and will continue to work as long as the peace-creating groups are maintained.
IDT is not restricted to the military. Any large group of experts trained in the advanced IDT techniques can accomplish the same goals of alleviating terror and violence by practicing this approach in groups twice a day. These groups could be comprised of congregations at places of worship, prisoners, the elderly in retirement homes, even students such as documented in Studies in Asian Social Science. Theoretically, immigrants awaiting processing could volunteer to be trained in the advanced IDT techniques and placed on cruise ships parked offshore from trouble spots for the duration, thereby alleviating immigration crises as well.
The important factor is for the advanced IDT techniques to be performed by trained experts consistently in groups twice a day. Simply by doing this, violence and conflict would be eradicated, according to the numerous peer-reviewed scientific studies summarized on the GUSP website.
Nothing Else Has Worked
Up until now; violence has historically been the response to national differences, despite its costs both in financial and human terms. Thankfully, in the words of Nobel Prize winning songwriter Bob Dylan: “The Times They Are a-Changin’.” Currently there are militaries utilizing IDT training for their personnel, with positive societal results for their countries.
Give Peace a Chance
Time is ripe for the creation of a Department of Peace to utilize IDT as a means of creating lasting peace.
As early as 1979, a bill was introduced in Congress to create a U.S. Department of Peace; this bill has been re-introduced in each session of Congress from 2001 to 2011. In 2013 it was re-introduced as H.R. 1111 and is currently supported by 40 cosponsors.
Creating a U.S. Department of Peace is also a leading campaign issue for one of the current 2020 U.S. presidential candidates, with the intent of co-coordinating the international peace-building agencies that already exist as well as local peace-building efforts in a way to transform society from one of violence to one of peaceful resolution. IDT is a powerful field-tested tool to facilitate this transformation.
What the World Needs Now
What is needed now is for all leaders worldwide to recognize the benefits to their nations in utilizing a peaceful, more effective proven way of resolving differences without creating conflict and violence. IDT is that proven way; and now is the time to utilize IDT to resolve tensions and eliminate political chaos globally once and for all.
About the Authors:
Arlene J. Schar has served as Dr. Leffler’s Executive Assistant at the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS) since 2015. She has edited and co-authored many of Dr. Leffler’s articles.
Dr. David Leffler served as an Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College. Currently, he serves as the Executive Director at CAMS