Appreciations For Both

Letter to the Editor

One of the main reason for our national chaos is that everyone worth of his salt issues orders and takes as guaranteed having that been implemented in toto. He never looks back to see if anyone ever took notice of his words; in simple words gave any importance to him. It is why the true naked harsh facts on ground are always contrary to the ones in the “books and files” of our every such “who is who”. For one example; sometime during 90s the SC ordered elimination of smoke omitting rickshaws from Karachi roads. The Karachi Bar Association was assigned this job by the Court. Sitting in the rickshaw I just whispered this to the driver. I will never forget the words of “wisdom” of the illiterate old aged driver. He replied “Babu, the judge sahib passing through Bunder road sitting in his air conditioned car reading newspaper would never now remember outside his car there was smoke”. The words of wise old man proved gold worth. The rickshaws smoke vanished after 20 years but not due to our courts, but thanks God due to CNG etc.

2. The Federal Ombudsman very “proudly” July 2014 issued an order to all utility services to issue Bills with payment due dates as end of first week of every new month. The Karachi Electric less in compliance but more to show its inherited might as a foreign investor, immediately issued two bills in one month (August 2014) which in the past never had happened. Since then it is still issuing bills with last date as last dates of every month.

3. As all so called facilities to the common man are given only as a show piece for “books” purpose, KE has also given a so called facility getting the Bills “online”. KE issued, sent and dispatch me last online bill on 28 December 2015 with last date as 28 December 2015 (same day). Wonderful job by both order issuing and implementing authorities viz the Federal Ombudsman and the KE. In the eyes of this hapless senior citizen both deserve appreciations.

Mrs. Shahnaz


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