What is Niaouli essential oil (Melaleucaquinquenervia)? How it is effective?
WHAT IS ESSENTIAL OIL (EO) OF MELALEUCA? Niaouli (Melaleucaquinquenervia in Latin) is a tree that can measure 15 to 25 feet high. It has a thick…
WHAT IS ESSENTIAL OIL (EO) OF MELALEUCA? Niaouli (Melaleucaquinquenervia in Latin) is a tree that can measure 15 to 25 feet high. It has a thick…
Angina is an inflammation of the tonsils and pharynx. DEFINITION The sore throat is an inflammation of the tonsils and pharynx. It is characterized by a sore throat and…
Royal jelly is made by bees. It contains very effective compounds to take microbes distance and, if appropriate, the booster convalescence. Royal jelly is…
In case of suffering from infections causing sore throat such as hoarseness, painful swallowing reflex; have the pellet or mouthwash. These local treatments bring…
Viral or bacterial, red or white, angina or sore throat is not treated in the same manner. Here is the order of Dr. Jean-Loup…
Too often used to describe a disease, sore throat is, in fact, a symptom of more general medical disorders. Among them, sore throat, laryngitis,…
Antibiotics are prescribed in Pakistan too. When infected, how to optimize treatment without promoting resistant bacteria? It is better that ten years ago, but the…
You have a sore throat when you were swallowed. Your tonsils are inflamed. This is certainly a sore throat. Yes, but which one? Dr. Jean-Loup…