Trace elements (copper, gold, silver) to strengthen immune

Trace elements in relief of fatigue

Copper, gold, silver these minerals, few naturally occurring in the body, give us a boost in the fight against viruses or soft strokes in the heart of winter. Here are our tips for choosing the most suitable for your condition supplements.

Greek, trace means “little.” Trace elements are minerals present only in trace amounts in our body.

However, trace elements have an essential function: “They play a catalytic role, much like the spark that starts the engine of a car,” says Isabelle Hininger-Favier, a biochemist.

Micronutrients assure for the reactions of the organism required to successfully defend against viruses, cope with stress or tiredness and if they are found in our food, a nudge is sometimes necessary.

“For older people in particular, the observations show that they do not always reach the recommended dietary allowance for iron, zinc, selenium and magnesium.

Supplementation at very low doses may be useful to boost their metabolism,” says Dr. Odile Picard-Peace oligothérapeute GP.

This is especially true in winter, when the body is strained and cold viruses.


“Taking trace elements is useful if we repeated infections during the winter,” says Dr. Picard-Paix.

  • In general, “studies show that trace elements reinforce defenses: markers of immunity are enhanced with supplementation of zinc and selenium example,” says Isabelle Hininger-Favier.

This duo is particularly useful after 65 years, as studies have shown that supplementation reduces the risk of lung infections.

  • Before age 65, it is rather the trio copper-gold-silver which is used to counter virus (cold , flu , gastro) and bacteria.

Copper is both antiviral and antibacterial, gold stimulates the action of white blood cells and the money is rather bactericide.

  • In case of chronic ENT infections (tonsillitis or rhino sinusitis …), this trio is associated with sulfur, which contributes to the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

All of these trace elements can be used in preventive treatment of substance in the autumn and for at least three months. We take each trace element (or synergy like copper-gold-silver) two to three times per week, alternating if one combines several.

  • In case of cold or other infection winter, it can also increase the dose (twice daily) for a few days to support the defense.


“Unlike vitamin C, trace elements will not bring immediate boost. However, they will help to change the field to regain energy in a sustainable way,” says Florence Raynaud.

Interesting, so if you feel something big soften early winter to prevent it from becoming sustainable tiredness.

  • Alongside the trio copper-gold-silver, which boosts immunity but also helps to recover, often prescribed during periods of convalescence, add selenium if you feel physically weak because a deficit is often synonymous with muscle fatigue.
  • In case of nervous exhaustion: it feels on edge, we love no … the trio copper-gold-silver will be associated with magnesium, because stress depletes our stock and our nerve cells need to function properly.

All these treatments have to be taken alternately, two to three times per week for at least one month.


“The amounts contributed by the chiropractic specialties being milligram or microgram, the risk of overdose is virtually nil, it may even give in children from 3-4 years,” says Florence Raynaud.

  • A cumulative risk. But be careful not to combine with nutritional supplements that contain too!
  • Catch remotely. Some trace elements should be taken away to avoid the risk of canceling their effects selenium and copper or manganese and selenium, for example.
  • The cons-indications. Magnesium in cases of renal failure may be incorrectly removed and stored excess zinc in cancer could promote cell proliferation.

Better to seek advice from a doctor, naturopath or pharmacist to determine the protocol adapted to his condition, especially as “the main risk, taking them evil, is especially not to be effective,” says Dr. Odile Picard -Paix.


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