Control low blood pressure with simple home remedies

low blood pressure

Low blood pressure or hypotension,  in this scenario blood pressure of an individual becomes too low due to which an individual feels fainting, clammy skin, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, blurred vision, difficulty in breathing, cold and palpitations. A normal reading of blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg for an individual who is physically fit with ideal weight. But the reading of 90/60 is considered as lower or hypotension. Proper treatment of hypotension mainly depends on the exact cause, but here some home remedies which you can try to control your blood pressureControl low blood pressure

Salt Water

Sodium compound in salt increases the blood pressure so salt is very effective for all low blood pressure patients. This is the remedial process but does not overdo this process. Add 1/ 2 tablespoons of salt in a cup of water and drink this solution. Another option is to take sports beverages.


One of the temporary but effective solutions lies in drinking hot chocolate, caffeinated beverage, strong coffee or cola. All these tasteful solutions increase the blood pressure. Add a coffee cup in your diet until you get free of this lower blood pressure symptoms. Be careful that long-term effects of caffeine are not uncertain so do not make it the habit.


Raisins are effective in dealing the hypotension naturally. They are considered excellent due to traditional Ayurvedic remedy.

·         Soak thirty to forty raisins in the cup of water.

·         Allow it for a whole night and eat them in the next morning with empty stomach.

·         You can also drink the remaining water.

·         Repeat this process for some weeks.

Holy Basil

All the lower blood pressure patients must use this home remedy. Holy basils are rich in pantothenic acid, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. Further, it reduces the mental stress and maintains balance.

·         Take 10 to 15 basil leaves and extract their juice.

·         Add 1 teaspoon of honey in juice, and drink this juice.

·         Drink this solution daily.

·         Another option is to chew 4 to 5 basil leaves. 

Licorice Root

Licorice root is very good in dealing the lower blood pressure. It supports healthy adrenalin function and also breaks down cortisol.

·         Steep 1 teaspoon of this herb in water and make licorice tea.

·         Take this tea daily for some days.

You can also take licorice root capsules (400-500 mg) for some days.


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